Allu Arjun is a renowned actor of the Southern cinema, who made a different place in people’s hearts along with the box office through the movie ‘Pushpa’. At the same time, apart from the movies, the actors are also kept in discussions among the fans due to the decisions made by them. Some time ago there was news that Allu Arjun rejected the offer of crores of Paan Masala brand. At the same time, once again the actor has done something similar to win people’s hearts.
According to South Cinema columnist Manobala Vijaybalan, Allu Arjun turned down the offer of a liquor brand. Although Allu Arjun charges Rs 7.5 crores for brand endorsement but he was receiving Rs 10 crores for this advertisement but he has clearly refused to do so.
#AluArjun turned down an offer of ₹10 cr for gutka and liquor brand.
— Manobala Vijayabalan (@ManobalaV) August 10, 2022
As soon as the information about this news appeared on social media, Allu Arjun was shocked and people started praising him a lot. Not only this, people tell Allu Arjun that he is the real hero.
However, after the movie ‘Pushpa’ became a huge hit, Allu Arjun’s popularity increased a lot. Because of this, he keeps getting offers from many brands, but if the reports are to be believed, Allu Arjun’s rule is that he will not accept the offer from any of those brands, which hurts people.
Allu Arjun’s movie ‘Pushpa’ had a great performance at the box office. At the same time, a lot of madness was also seen in the people in this movie. And now Allu Arjun fans are eagerly waiting for ‘Pushpa 2’.