Home Entertainment Allah is witness, I did not speak against Islam; Farooq said

Allah is witness, I did not speak against Islam; Farooq said

Allah is witness, I did not speak against Islam;  Farooq said

Actor Farooq sneered at Islam, a story that has been circulating on social media since the actor’s death on Monday morning. But did Farooq really say that? This information is sought by Kal Kantha Online. It is understood that the sentence rhymes from a meme. But where its exact formula is not found. It is also known that he was a victim of dirty politics.

However, an attempt was made to make Farooq a heretic in 2018. In November of that year, Akbar Hossain Pathan Farooq faced the journalists at the FDC Film Artists Association office in the capital.

He said that all his family members are Haji. He is the Motwalli of a mosque. He did not say anything against Islam, Rabbul Al Amin is witness.

Farooq said this day, ‘I did not say anything that could hurt religion. If I have said the above Rabbul Al Amin is witness. Believe me I love the soil of this country. I love all kinds of people. Who is Muslim, who is Hindu, who is Christian, who is Buddhist, I do not care. Because I am a man.’

Farooq said, ‘I want to talk about grief today. I have talked about people all my life. I am really shocked by the things that are said on Facebook about Anna. I didn’t think people could stoop so low.’

Farooq said about the criticism on Facebook, ‘I will talk about Islam? Do you know who I am? I am Haji, Akbar Hossain Pathan Farooq. My wife Farhana is also a Haji. My daughter Fariha Tabassum Haji. My son Roshan Hossain Pathan Haji.

He mentioned the Motwalli of a mosque and said, ‘There is a mosque. Passed by my own great grandfather. Do you know how much the land of the mosque? 30 Bigha. Only the mosque is spread over 5 bigha land. I am the Motwalli brother of that mosque. I am a Muslim. It is called real sensor, religion is different. No one has the right to talk about religion.’

Talking about the liberation war and spreading lies, this hero said, ‘We fought to make the country independent. The chains of subjugation were given around the neck and the country was made free with the blood of 30 lakh people at the call of Bangabandhu, brother. Don’t try to belittle anyone with this wrong information brother. I request you. You will not get any results. Everything depends on truth and beauty.’

At that time, young hero Joy Chowdhury said, ‘Everyone should speak out against dirty politics and propaganda against Bengali film legend Akbar Hossain Pathan’s (hero Farooq) brother and know the truth.’

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