The day before, many celebrities from India and abroad participated in the grand launch event of ‘Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre’. A fair of all B-town A-lister stars was also hosted at this event. At present, images of this event are being published on social networks. Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan also arrived with her daughter Aaradhya Bachchan at the Ambani Family function. Although the daughter of the actress is being trolled on social networks.
Aishwarya and her daughter arrived in ethnic attire at the launch event of the ‘Neeta Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre’. Both mother and daughter looked very beautiful. While Aaradhya’s simplicity is a sibling to many fans, many also said that Aaradhya, daughter of the Bachchan family, does not put herself on display like other child stars. However, many users also trolled Aaradhya. Actually, Aaradhya is being trolled for her hairstyle.
Many social media users have questioned the hairstyle of Ash-Abhishek’s daughter, Aaradhya. One user wrote in the comment, “Permanent hairstyle,” another wrote, “Inka koi hairstyle change kare.” Another wrote, “Her hairstyle is so irritating. Change it. At the same time, one user commented, ‘Dude change your daughter’s hairstyle, this is from childhood.'” One wrote, “Both mother and daughter need to change their hairstyles.” .
However, this is not the first time Aaradhya has been trolled. Many times Aish has been trolled for always holding Aaradhya’s hand. At the same time, Aishwarya has been criticized for not allowing Aaradhya to click the photo of her by herself.