Booing and assault incident took place last night with famous Bollywood industry singer Sonu Nigam and his crew. During this, the son of Sonu’s mentor Ghulam Mustafa Khan, his close friend Rabbani Khan and his bodyguard also suffered injuries. After this incident, Sonu Nigam filed a case against Swapnil Phatarpekar, son of MLA Prakash Phatarpekar at Chembur Police Station. Now, the statement of Swapnil’s sister, Suprada Phatarpekar, has come out about this incident with Sonu Nigam.
Suprada Phatarpekar tweeted: “As the organizer of the Chembur Festival, I want to clarify some facts of the unfortunate incident that occurred at the end of the 2023 Chembur Festival.” Sonu Nigam was being rushed off the stage after the performance. My brother was trying to take selfie with him. Due to the commotion and uproar there was a stampede, the person who had fallen was taken to the Zen Hospital and was discharged after treatment.
As the organizer of the Chembur Festival, I wish to shed light on some facts regarding the unfortunate incident that occurred at the end of the Chembur Festival 2023.
Suprada Phaterpekar (@suprada17) February 20, 2023
He further wrote: ‘Sonu Nigam is healthy. On behalf of the organization team, we have officially apologized to Mr. Sonu and his team for this adverse incident. Please do not believe unsubstantiated rumors or those who try to politicize the incident.
At the same time, in a conversation with ANI, Suprada Phatarpekar said: ‘My brother wanted to take a selfie with Sonu Nigam and when he was doing so, there was a dispute between him and Sonu Nigam’s bodyguards. It was just a fan moment gone wrong. We have also apologized to Sonu Nigam.
My brother wanted to take a selfie with Sonu Nigam, and when he was doing so, there was a dispute between him and Sonu Nigam’s bodyguard. It was just a fan moment gone wrong. Later we also apologize to Sonu Nigam: Suprada Phaterpekar, sister of Swapnil Phaterpekar.
– ANI (@ANI) February 21, 2023
During the dispute, a person fell off the stage. We took him to the hospital and then Sonu Nigam went to the police. There is nothing to politicize in this. It has nothing to do with the theme of Azaan or speaker. My brother will cooperate with the police investigation.
During the fight, a person fell off the stage. We took him to the hospital and then Sonu Nigam went to the police. There is nothing to politicize, it was not related to Azaan or the issue of speakers. My brother will cooperate with the police: Suprada Phaterpekar
– ANI (@ANI) February 21, 2023
After the Chembur concert incident, Sonu Nigam himself narrated the entire incident. Sonu said in a conversation with the ANI news agency: “I was coming down from the stage after the concert. At the same time, a person named Swapnil Prakash Phatarpekar grabbed me. He then pushed Hari and Rabbani, who had come to save me. Then I fell down. on the stairs. I have filed a complaint.’