Home World A man kills his cardiologist after an argument in consultation

A man kills his cardiologist after an argument in consultation

A man kills his cardiologist after an argument in consultation

A 47-year-old man killed his cardiologist on Tuesday after a dispute at an outpatient center located in Favara, a town in southern Sicily (Italy).

According to the local press, the alleged murderer shot the doctor in the back in front of other employees in the waiting room of the clinic and then he fled to his country house, where he was located by the police while he was still carrying the weapon with which he committed the crime, the origin of which is unknown.

The deceased doctor, Gaetano Alaimo, 65, I did not have any appointments scheduled for that day with the patient, although he treated him years ago and was diagnosed with heart failure.

In addition, the shot occurred when the center had not yet opened and several patients were waiting to gain access to the building.

"It is unthinkable and admissible", declared the mayor of Favara, Antonio Palumno, after learning of the event.

The alderman took advantage of the misfortune to claim "more state presence" Italian on the island, since many of its cities are still under the control of the mafias and with high crime rates.

"I again forcefully call for a greater presence of the State in our city, there are still too many people convinced that violence is an acceptable means, and we are here to tell everyone that there is no place for people like that in Favara anymore. Favara doesn’t love you"he added.


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