Home Science A huge cane toad nicknamed “Toadzilla” weighed nearly 3kg and could break...

A huge cane toad nicknamed “Toadzilla” weighed nearly 3kg and could break a new record

A huge cane toad weighed 2.7 kg (6 pounds), which could make a difference. new world record. FIt was discovered by rangers on a hike in Queensland, Australia.

The Guinness World Record for the largest frog ever is 2.65 kg (5.8 lbs), found in 1991 and this female reached 2.7 kg. It is a toxic species, weighing as much as a newborn baby, and has been found in the wilds of the far north of Australia.

It is believed to be the largest cane toad specimen of its kind ever found.

Ranger Kylee Gray was walking through the national park and stopped to let a snake slither across the path when she spotted the massive frog.

I reached down and grabbed the cane toad and I couldn’t believe how big and heavy it was.“, said. “We named it Toadzilla and quickly put it in a container to take to the studio.”.

It was found at an altitude of 393 meters, which is not uncommon, but aroused a lot of interest among our ranger team due to its size.’ he added.

Cane toads, a threat to local fauna

cane toad, native wildlife, biodiversity, predator, poison dart frog

Cane toads, which can typically grow to around 15 cm (5.9 in), are one of Australia’s most notorious invasive species and are considered a threat to native wildlife. They colonized a wide range of habitats in northeastern Australia after they were introduced to Queensland in 1935 to control the sugarcane beetle.

Brown warty toads can be poisonous to wildlife and are responsible for the local extinction of some of their predators. They also compete with native species for shelter and resources.

The rangers who found “Toadzilla” took him to their base and weighed him. He tipped the scales at 6 pounds (2.7 kg), which could be a new record.

A cane toad this size will eat anything it can fit in its mouth, and that includes insects, reptiles, and small mammals.Gray said.

A few hours after its discovery, the frog was euthanized. A female can lay between 8,000 and 30,000 eggs at almost any time of the year.

She even commented that she wasn’t sure how old Toadzilla was, but suspected he had been around for “long time“.

Cane toads can live up to 15 years in the wild, and this has existed for a long time. We are pleased to remove you from the national park”.


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