Mexico Traffic Fines Resume in 3 Municipalities This March

It looks like the days of leniency on the roads are over in some parts of Mexico. After a brief hiatus, traffic fines are back with a vengeance. As of March, several municipalities have started to impose penalties on drivers who fail to follow traffic rules. So, if you’re planning to get behind the wheel, it’s essential to be aware of the new regulations and drive safely to avoid getting fined.

Municipalities Where Traffic Fines Have Been Reactivated

The municipalities of Naucalpan, Tlalnepantla, and Cuautitlán Izcall are among the first to reintroduce traffic fines. To ensure transparency and accountability, these municipalities will utilize technology, including electronic terminals and body cameras, to monitor and enforce traffic rules. This move aims to eradicate corruption and abuse of power by traffic authorities, which had become a significant concern in the past.

Initially, the traffic fines were suspended in some municipalities due to allegations of corruption and abuse of power by certain police officials. There were instances where drivers were unfairly fined without proper justification, leading to widespread discontent among the public. To address this issue, the municipalities decided to suspend traffic fines temporarily and reform their systems.

Why Were Traffic Fines Suspended in the First Place?

The suspension of traffic fines was a direct response to the rampant corruption and abuse of power by some police officials. In some cases, drivers were being unfairly targeted and fined without any valid reason, which led to a loss of trust in the traffic authorities. To restore faith in the system, the municipalities decided to take a step back, reassess their practices, and implement new measures to prevent such abuses.

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During the 100-day suspension period, the municipalities worked on reorganizing their systems and acquiring new technology to modernize the process of issuing traffic fines. The goal was to create a more transparent and accountable system, where drivers would be treated fairly and without prejudice.

The Reactivation Process

In Cuautitlán Izcall, the reactivation of traffic fines will occur in two phases. From March 1, the municipality will launch a “fines without cost” program, where drivers who commit infractions will be stopped and issued tickets, but they won’t have to pay the fines. The objective of this initial phase is to raise awareness among drivers about the importance of following traffic rules.

From April 1, the municipality will start imposing fines with their corresponding economic sanctions. Similarly, the municipality of Naucalpan will reactivate its traffic fine program on April 1, once its traffic police are equipped with the necessary technology, including electronic terminals and body cameras.

The new system aims to eliminate any possibility of abuse or corruption, while also educating the public about the importance of respecting traffic laws. With the reactivation of traffic fines, drivers can expect more stringent controls, but also a safer and more secure environment for both drivers and pedestrians. As long as you follow the traffic rules, you won’t have to worry about unfair fines or corruption.

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