VRAC and Burgos, League final

VRAC Entrepinares Cheeses and Recoletas Burgos University of Burgos will play the final of the Division of Honor 2022-23. The cheese makers have won in Pepe Rojo 46-11 to the Santboiana Sports Union and the Burgos have prevailed in San Amaro 28-21 to the Royal Enerside Sciences.

Twenty-seven days after the end of the Volvo King’s Cup disputed in Seville, VRAC and Burgos will once again dispute a title. The next Saturdayfrom 7:00 p.m. and with cameras teleporte livethe Campos de Pepe Rojo de Valladolid will look for a new League champion.

VRAC Quesos Entrepinares 46-11 Unió Esportiva Santboiana VRAC and Santboiana have been the early risers of the semifinals of the Division of Honor. The team of Diego Merino He has had no mercy and before minute 20 he was already leading 17-0 on the scoreboard thanks to the trials of Michael Stringer and George Stokes.

The dean reacted just before the break, but could only score through the foot of John Paul Socino with two punishment blows to which the VRAC would respond with a blow of Greg Dyer and an essay of Miguel Lainz to leave the score at halftime at 20-6. The second part, dominated from beginning to end by the current Cup champions, would be marked by the expulsion of Oriol Pujol that would pave the way to a new final for the cheese makers.

Martiniano Cian, siosiua moala and Balthazar Taiborehearsed for the locals, and the Spanish international sub 20, Marcel Sirvent, would achieve the only inn of the Santboiana in the match to close the final score at 46-11. VRAC Quesos Entrepinares, after their absence last season, returns to a final of the Division of Honor and will have the chance to add their twelfth league title.

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Recoletas Burgos University of Burgos 28-21 Real Ciencias Enerside The second semifinal has been much more even, where Real Ciencias Enerside has had possession, in the last play, to take the victory and the ticket for the final. After a timid start for both teams, where they only scored points through the foot of Juan Diego Zabalegui and cormac foxthe penalty test achieved by Burgos would definitely open the game.

Own Juan Diego Zabalegui would extend the local advantage with a new transformed perched that would be quickly answered by another of Iñaki Mateu before the break, which would reach 20-13. In the second half, Real Ciencias would narrow the score again with a new mark from their second center, Iñaki Mateuto which Recoletas Burgos University would reply with an essay on feta casteglioni.

With a very tight 28-21 the match would enter its final stretch where the team of Manuel Mazo They would have possession to take the victory but the good defense of Burgos would be worth the ticket to a new final. The team trained by Jose Ignacio Garcia they will once again compete for a title with the VRAC, with the incentive of being the only team this season that knows what it means to beat the cheese makers at Pepe Rojo.

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