Ibero-American presidents advocate better rates for debts

In the opening remarks of the plenary session of the SummitPresident Luis Abinader said it was imminent drive a "financial architecture" that had as its principle and foundation the required institutionalized legal certainty and that was capable of attract investment to mitigate multidimensional crises countries experience as a result of situations such as the pandemic, international conflicts, the adverse effects of climate change and the subsequent uncertainty in international markets.

In the press conference at the end of the conclave, the president explained that this was a proposal by the president of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, supported by the president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, who proposes negotiate as a single bloc with multilateral financial organizations so that they can achieve lower interest rates and better conditions of the current indebtedness of their economies.

Ministers meeting

The Ibero-American Secretary General, Andrés Allamand, said that this has been a general decision of the presidents, but that a meeting of the economy ministers will be required Ibero-Americans to make specific proposals to the IMF, the World Bank and the IDB, without excluding any country.

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