Argentina won the World Cup again

The glorious Argentine soccer raised again in Paris, the World Cup that it won in Qatar that glorious Sunday, December 18, 2022. The awards The Best that FIFA delivered to Lionel Messi as the best player in the world, lionel scaloni as best technical director, to Emiliano “Dibu” Martinez as best goalkeeper and the Argentine fans as the most fervent and passionate public they value the World Cup feat of just over two months ago. AND they mean a recognition to the National Team and to the greatness of football in our country as a whole like they have never received throughout history.

In the four categories in which it competed, Argentine soccer won. Which is like saying that he was world champion againl, As captain and great figure of the selected champion in Qatar, perhaps the award to Messi was foreseeable. But he does not cease to amaze and move. It is a new distinction for the most awarded Argentine player of all time. Already at this point, he surely the greatest. Seven Ballon d’Ors (2009/12, 2015, 2018 and 2021) and two The Best Awards (2019 and 2022) corroborate, if necessary, the legend of a huge player. Part of the history of football itself.

It was also exciting to see “Dibu” Martínez as the first Argentine goalkeeper to win the award. Already Lionel Scaloni and his speech without ego, zero divism, with the axis placed on his team more than on him. It was a great recognition for him to share the shortlist with coaches from Carlo Ancelotti and Pep Guardiola’s tour. Having beaten them shines through as far as what he achieved just over two months ago from Qatar. Winning a world cup in his first experience as a coach is not for everyone. Perhaps Scaloni is still not aware of the place he has earned.

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And although the emotion of that unique Sunday in December is unrepeatable, a feeling of legitimate pride should run through the bodies of the millions of Argentine fans during these hours who cried and celebrated the great world consecration. The cold, circumspect and often murky FIFA, the soccer multinational, one of the largest business units in the world, also recognized the overflowing passion that filled the stadiums in Qatar and the streets of Argentina and many cities on the planet. That same planet that admires and celebrates the way in which we Argentines relate to this game that is part of our culture.

All this, the quality of our players and coaches and the fervor of our people was recognized by FIFA. The soccer of an entire country has never been as distinguished as Argentine soccer was now. The awards raised by Messi, Dibu Martínez, Lionel Scaloni and the legendary “Tula” on behalf of the fans ratified what was already known but it is worth remembering: There is nothing bigger than winning a World Cup. Much more if it is done twice as Argentina did: first in Qatar and now in glamorous Paris.

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