Crypto influencers are on the hunt for FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried

The headquarters of the now imploded platform FTX was stationed in the Bahamas. Former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried has not been seen in public since the drama. Multiple crypto influencers So now take matters into your own hands. To get information on behalf of the crypto community, some of them flew to the Bahamas to look up SBF.

FTX EX-CEO SBF not to be seen

One of the influencers in question, the infamous Ben Armstrong, also known by his Youtube pseudonym Bitboy, flew to the Bahamas. He posted a live stream on Twitter in which he tried to enter the SBF site. However, he was led away again by a guard.

Armstrong also visited another location in the Bahamas where SBF’s parents live, according to the Washington Post. In addition to Armstrong, other well-known crypto influencers have also started looking for SBF. The Youtuber Gabriel Haines started a fundraiser to fly to the Bahamas and take a look. Fans explained 10 thousand dollars together to allow Haines to travel to the Bahamas.

Not everyone is in favor of this in the crypto world. Bitboy is known as the “Alex Jones of crypto” for a reason because of his controversial and nonsensical statements.

Crypto content offers relief

Haines indicated that he did not expect to actually find SBF. Nevertheless, he hopes that his content can provide people with some relief after all the disaster that the FTX drama has caused.

“I want to create some content that people enjoy. People have lost a lot of money, and I’ve received many messages from viewers saying they feel better with my videos after all the drama surrounding FTX.”

Haines explained his and other influencer’s choice to take matters into his own hands and travel to the Bahamas. According to him, it addresses a frustration of the crypto community. He thinks that the authorities are missing the point and that the crypto community is entitled to answers.

“It feels like the authorities just don’t care at all.”

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