Listed Bitcoin miners aim to increase hashrate by 50 percent before the end of 2022

Listed Bitcoin miners are obliged to share their figures every quarter and to be more transparent about their business. Arcane Research has put the facts together in a study and concludes that the combined hashrate of these miners by the end of 2022 will be around 80.7 exahash per second.

There is a but

This is by no means certain, because there is a but. To reach that hashrate by the end of 2022, the expansions need to go exactly as planned. For the people who don’t know, the hashrate of a listed miner is the total amount of computing power that this miner puts to work.

You would expect that listed companies are now the largest force in the network, but that is anything but true. At the time of writing, listed miners are responsible for a hashrate of 54 exahash per second, while the total network runs at 249 exahash per second.

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