“Retail media is a source of monetization and a way to make the equation of our business more sustainable”

Jaime Alonso, Retail Media Manager at Day ishas shared with E-commerce News what are the benefits of betting on the Retail Media and how the supermarket chain is advancing in this discipline: “We seek a strategy that contributes value to both the customer and the advertiser and that resolves this dichotomy of what the client wants and what the advertiser wants”.

“Our goal is to have a leading, advanced e-commerce that offers the greatest population coveragewhich allows you three delivery methods, offering customers the best user and omnichannel experience and maximum product information”has assured Alonso.

The Retail Media Manager by Day has emphasized the benefits of Retail Media: “In the first place, there is no doubt, there is the economic benefit. Retail Media is a monetization source and it is a way of making the equation of our business a little more sustainable».

«E-commerces have poorly educated our consumers. These seek to buy online at the same price as in the store and, in addition, that we take it home for free. If a retailer is able to offer brands a value added projectAs we do through Retail Media, they will be willing to invest and this investment helps us improve our margins»has highlighted Alonso.

In addition, he has remarked “The result of these investments translates into actions that improve the online shopping experience of our users and, thus, we all win».

Benefits for brands

Asked about the benefits of Retail Media for brands, Alonso has wanted to specify that they do it in a “very specific” environment that is the food e-commerce: «We do not sell televisions or luxury colognes. We sell cans of tomato, sardines and toothbrushes… Display marketing strategies in a context in which the customer is buying products with low added value, on a website where browsing is not the sexiest in the world and where they are seeing soups and soft drinks scroll by on the screen, it is a bit difficult ».

Here, it has continued, through the Retail Media, “We will be able to create a system that allows brands to communicate with their customers and contact them at a very specific moment, which is the moment when they are adding their products to the (digital) shopping cart».

In this point, Alonso has underlined that when a person makes a purchase in a food e-commerceas usual, “you are buying carts with a multitude of products”. Nevertheless, “the behavior of these users have very specific characteristics and that they do not usually occur in other ecommerces, and that is that people do not add all the products to the cart from scratch but, often, start from saved lists or load previous shopping carts»has stated, therefore, “Your navigation and the number of products you will see in your online purchase process is very limited (unlike what happens in a store where the user goes through all the aisles)”.

«We know that when a buyer is in front of a shelf -and this applies to both the digital shelf and the physical shelf-, the decision time to choose between several products is about six seconds«has assured, while pointing out that, considering all this and that many products are already added and that the rest are added very quickly, «you have to be super creative and effective to convince the client«.

And that’s what this project is about. During these six seconds, the brand has to deploy all its arsenal of creativity to convince the customer to choose its product, to communicate an idea, an innovation,…. and they achieve this through Retail Media»he has stated.

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Technology, another advantage of Retail Media

Alonso has also referred to another of the advantages of Retail Media, the technology: “Thanks to her, brands can choose to target a certain group of customers with very specific characteristics optimizing your campaigns and your investments».

And it is that, he has reiterated, «in Retail Media not everything is sales«: «Brands can also undertake communication strategies or branding exercises: remind my customers that my brand is present, reinforce a communication campaign with displays, present innovations… All these marketing strategies that are applied in the store in a much more stiff, with Retail Media they can be done much more quickly and flexibly«.

Alonso has also referred to retail media as a viable opportunity for all: “Retail Media is a monetization source and that can be applied to all ecommerces regardless of its size».

«It will be an opportunity as long as the three conditions of the retail media triangle: benefits for the retailer, benefits for the brands and benefits for the consumer. If there are brands interested in investing in campaigns and these actions favor the user’s shopping experience, Retail Media will be an applicable tool for this ecommerce«has pointed out.

Alonso has also explained to us the requirements to put an advertisement on the day website. “First you must have a product for sale on Dia.es. Keep in mind that we are talking about Retail (distribution) and Media (communication) and this, as we conceive the project, applies only to the brands that sell the products on our website«has detailed.

«When you have products in our ecommerce, we work with different technologies that allow you to access our retail media solutions. Depending on your digital maturity, we can carry out actions from a highly accompanied perspective, working together on strategy, creativity and segmentation, to projects completely in self-service mode in which we open an access for you so that you can handle yourself»has commented Alonso.

Jaime Alonso was one of the speakers attending the first event of Retail Media in Spainorganized by Programmatic UKwhich was held last week at the Circle of Fine Arts of Madrid.

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