These are the marketplace integrators you should know about

Selling through third-party online stores is becoming more common every day. Globally, few e-commerce who do not use a multichannel strategy. If you want to boost the sales of your online store, it must be present in as many sales channels as possible and to achieve this, one of the essential tools is the marketplace integrators.

What are marketplace integrators

The marketplace integrators are already consolidated in France and that they have more and more presence in Spain. In fact, it is estimated that half of the online stores that sell through marketplaces They use this kind of management systems.

So that you understand in the best way what they are, we give you an example. Imagine that you already have your own ecommerce established with its products, stock, logistics operators, among other tools. But your wish is further expand your business and for this you have decided that the best solution is to start selling in a marketplace like amazon either eBay.

It is precisely to solve these problems that the marketplace integratorsan administration and management system that allows you to:

  • Control, in a single panel, all your commercial activity regardless of the number of platforms you sell on.
  • Manage all your orders from a single tool.
  • Check inventory of your merchandise to decide when you should replace a specific product.
  • If your business is dropshipping, sync your product information with the information of your wholesaler.
  • Easily change prices of your items and set pricing rules.
  • Check the analysis of your commercial activity to detect possible errors.
  • Saving time and resources. As the information is grouped on a single platform, time is saved in the product management processes. An advantage that will allow you to spend the time and effort saved on other priority business management processes.

These are the best marketplace integrators

Here we show you a selection of ten marketplace integrators that could be very useful and become the key to managing your business.


Of French origin, this integrator currently has a presence throughout the European continent. Is a automation solution for ecommerce that use brands of the size of fnac either Sephora. It has more than 1,800 integrations -among them Privalia, Zalando, Rakuten, Amazonbut also facebook ads either Google Shopping– and it is a good option to boost your sales performance and grow internationally. Besides, his use is simple and quite intuitive.

Shopping Feed

By installing an extension in your online store you can start using this tool to manage your products, orders and synchronize them in all your sales channelsa. In this case, it will allow you to do in different countries and marketplaces.


It was in 2009 when its creators launched this management system on the market, which has been growing progressively. Powerful in the number of integrations it offers, beezup will allow you to personalize the information of your products for each sales channel, get advanced statistics, automatically remove items that are not giving you profitability, and so on. At present, it is compatible with up to 2,000 sales channels and with the most common sales platforms.

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This company was founded in 2014 but already has integrations for all kinds of platforms (Amazon, eBay, Bing Ads, Google Shopping, etc.). It will permit you add your products to marketplaces automatically with all the advantages that this entails, personalize product information through attributes, or connect your platforms quickly through an API.


In your control panel you can centralize all your activity, track each order, change prices and everything you need. It integrates with the best-known platforms and has no limits when it comes to managing your catalog. In addition, it includes modules of the most used logistics companies so you can track each order or return in real time.


It defines itself as a platform created so that you can sell in several marketplaces without having an internet store. The option ‘DataMarket’ It allows you to upload the products that you manufacture or market to online price comparators. You can also add them to the most popular sales platforms if you wish. It is possible to review the information of each reference, design a sales strategy, change prices and know when you will need more merchandise. The system offers you a predictive analysis that will avoid possible sanctions from the platform you use. If you already manage an e-commerce, you can integrate Waadby with your CMS or ERP.


It is a wholesaler that, in addition to offering 200,000 references of all kinds of product categoriesoffers the technology to sell in more than 100 marketplaces Europeans. BigBuy offers options to different types of customers: for those customers who have their own stock and want to sell it on marketplaces, and for customers who want to sell on marketplaces but don’t have stock.


Although it does not have a website in Spanish, shippingbo It is one of the French references to highlight that provides support in our country. With more than 70 marketplaces and 30 associated logistics companiess, allows you to optimize the online purchase process with a plus if we opt for international channels.

Market Invaders

Positioned as the most complete marketplace integrator on the market, Market Invaders arrives from France to integrate with 90 online stores around the world: Amazon, Rakuten or Google among the most prominent. Like the rest, it allows to integrate inventory, organize ads, prices and catalogs that is covered with advice tailored to the complete cycle of electronic commerce.


East marketplace integrator it will permit you prepare your orders with validations to avoid errors, unify orders, control tracking in real time, issue invoices in seconds, etc. In addition, it also offers a fulfillment service to help stores throughout the logistics process.

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