Santa Fe: fossil remains of a 10,000-year-old glyptodont found

O fossil remains of a glyptodont belonging to a megafauna from 10 thousand years ago were found in a ravine of the Paraná River, on the coast of the town of San Lorenzo in southern Santa Fe.

According to local authorities, the remains were found by municipal officials at the time of the collapse of Calle San Luis, on the edge of the city of Santa Fe de San Lorenzo.

“They may be one of the members of a glyptodont, megafauna that inhabited this area around 10,000 years ago”explained paleontologist Juan Nóbile.

It would be a glypodon leg or arm. For now, we can only take pictures and between tomorrow and Friday, paleontologists from the Ángel Gallardo Provincial Museum of Natural Sciences, in Rosario, will arrive to extract the remains,” he added.

After noting that the Archaeological and Paleontological Heritage of the Ministry of Culture of Santa Fe had already been notified, Nóbile explained that glyptodonts They are animals from the Pleistocene period and he compared them to “the current armadillo cart or mulitas”.

They weighed a ton, were five feet tall and had a carapace, which is why they are also called armadillos.

Asked about the discovery of fossil remains of prehistoric animals on the coast of the Paraná River, the expert explained that “This happens because of the trough that registers the river.” “It is very low and animal remains appear, and people who come to fish find them and call us,” added Nóbile.

Finally, he recalled that four years ago, “a man digging a trench in San Lorenzo found a mastodon prey that had inhabited this area for over 10,000 years.”

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