The man who attacked the FBI after the search at Trump’s house was shot dead

The extremist threat that swept through the Capitol in Washington on January 6, 2021 remains more relevant than ever. On Thursday, a gunman who tried to enter the FBI offices in Cincinnati was killed by law enforcement after several hours of confrontation. His name, confirmed by several American media, links him to several violent profiles on social networks. Hours after the announcement of the search at Donald Trump’s home on Monday, Ricky Shiffer called for the killing of federal agents in a post on Truth Social – since deleted by the network. And on Thursday, he claimed responsibility for his failed attack on the Cincinnati FBI, only to be shot hours later, confirmed NBC News.

According to local media, the man, who was wearing a bulletproof vest, used a nail gun and brandished an AR-15 semi-automatic weapon, before fleeing by car.

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A police spokesman said officers were in pursuit.

“Once the vehicle stopped, there was an exchange of fire between the police and the suspect,” he said.

Present at the Capitol

“Enough, they’ve conditioned us to accept tyranny,” he wrote in response to the FBI’s search of Donald Trump’s home. Calling himself “ready for war”, he called for shooting agents “on sight”, mentioning “patriots going to Mar-a-Lago”. Authorities have not confirmed that this account on Truth Social belongs to him, but the photo matches his driver’s license, according to CNN.

Ricky Shiffer was present at a pro-Trump rally near the Capitol on January 5, 2021, according to a published photo on Twitter on an account that appears to belong to him. He had also boasted of having been present on January 6. According to the New York Times, authorities are trying to determine if he had ties to extremist groups like the Proud Boys.

On Thursday, Attorney General Merrick Garland confirmed that he personally authorized the search request at Donald Trump’s home, and asked that the warrant be made public. He also denounced attacks on the “integrity” of FBI and Justice Department personnel. According to Fox News, death threats against Garland and against FBI Director Christopher Wray have exploded and may warrant a strengthening their security.

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