RC Celta’s big problem with Denis Suárez and Santi Mina

The objective of the Celtic president is very clear regarding the pair of discards

This Thursday the president of the Celtic RC, Carlos Mourinogranted a press conference to answer the questions that revolve around Denis Suarez Y Santi Mina. The top manager made it clear that both players will not continue in the Galician club for different reasons, and stated that the sports management is working hard to speed up their departures.

On the other hand, he also explained that while the pair of footballers continue in the celtic stencil, the team will not be able to make big signings. The reason supposedly passes the president, because between the two discards they take the twenty% of the wage mass. The contracts of Suárez and Mina are signed until 2024and Mouriño made it clear that they will not leave for free for any reason.

Celta Santi Mina
Despite the serious offense committed by Santi Mina, Carlos Mouriño charged much more against Denis Suárez for his “betrayal”.

The Santi Mina case at RC Celta

Although the president of the Galician entity focused more on talking about Denis Suárez, he also had time to explain the club’s position regarding the unfortunate case of Santi Mina. Mouriño’s objective is clear, to sell him to a team and get the highest possible income to also free up a large salary from the mass of salaries.

“It has caused us serious harm. He had offers from two teams and did not accept them. I am not going to liquidate the years of his contract so that he can go free and get paid,” said the Celtic president. The attacker is participating in training for now since he convinced Mouriño and Coudet, although he definitely will not stay at the club.

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After making the case of Santi Mina clear, the president of Celta dispatched himself against Denis Suárez

For Carlos Mouriño, what Santi Mina did is serious and harms Celta. But what Denis Suárez did is a direct blow to the Celtic heart and it is more serious than what the striker did. This is how president Celtista has analyzed it, who sees the midfielder’s action as high treason towards the club that opened the door for him.

“He has been carrying out a smear campaign against the club for a year. We had a problem with all the players who belonged to an agency, in which Iago Aspas was also, and with all of them we looked for an amicable solution. The problem comes from that date, a year ago. We feel very betrayed” stated Mouriño.

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