Crypto jobs remain strong despite contraction in tech job market

Recent times have been a hard one for the world of cryptocurrencies. The market as a whole is more than halved and now stands at approximately US$1.3 trillion. At the same time, many tech companies are struggling to keep up with high inflation. This is resulting in layoffs in more and more places. But companies within the crypto industry have managed to hold their own and don’t seem to be joining this trend.

Huge demand for crypto experts

Cryptorecruit writes that down Twitter, a recruitment company that focuses specifically and exclusively on companies from the blockchain and crypto industry. The recruiter writes that it has heard of the large-scale layoffs within the technology sector, but that the sector surrounding cryptocurrencies is not affected by this.

The company is inundated with employers who are quickly looking for potential employees with know how of cryptocurrencies. This does not only concern companies that are already in the crypto industry anyway, but companies in all sectors are looking for crypto experts. Cryptorecruit is also calling for you to be offered as a potential worker. It emphasizes that the sector not only pays well, but is also subject to constant innovation. That makes the work mentally very stimulating and we can only confirm that. We are able to serve you fresh news about crypto every day. The crypto world is constantly changing.

High demand in crypto in Europe too

The crypto job situation isn’t just for companies in the United States. This is where most of the job losses in the technology sector seem to come from. Cointelegraph quotes Cryptorecruit’s head Neil Dundon: “We do not see any shrinkage in the number of vacancies, we are still running at full capacity.” The company is active not only in the US, but also in the regions of Asia and Europe. Demand is the same everywhere, Dundon explains.

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also Kevin Gibson of Proof of Search agrees that the job shrinkage in the technology sector does not apply to the crypto branch. He knows of two companies in the industry that have let people go. Companies may be added in the near future, but he thinks there are plenty of companies that are strong enough to accommodate these people. Many of these companies are still very young, so they still rely on venture capital. Crypto employees are therefore still safe.

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