Suicide Squad: HBO Max is developing a series centered on Amanda Waller

After the critical failure of the Suicide Squad of David Ayer in 2016, Warner revised its ambitions by offering the semi-reboot The Suicide Squad with james gunn at the controls, for a result that the fans liked much better. It’s a bit more a grimace on the financial side since the film only brought in 167 million dollars in cinema receipts for 185 million budget without, however, counting the operating figures on HBO Max which could inflate the total amount of revenue.

james gunn will then take care of Peacemaker with John Cena, which will also have met a rather satisfied public. Satisfied to the point where the Warner now decides to start series on characters a little more anecdotal like… Amanda Waller. Exit from the series (for the moment) on Bloodsport, King Shark, Polka-Dot Man or Rick Flag since she is the patroness of the Suicide Squad who will have one. variety reported that Viola Davis is in talks to play his character in a series dedicated to him.

The DC project, which would be executive produced by James Gunn, is mostly shrouded in mystery, but it’s rumored to pick up where the Peacemaker finale left off when Waller’s character appeared. Stay tuned for more news!

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