The biggest cyber attack ever in Israel

The biggest cyber attack to date in Israel has been in which several government websites, including the Prime Minister’s Office, have been shut down.

According to the international website, sources in the Israeli Ministry of Defense say that in the biggest cyber attack so far, several government websites, including the Prime Minister’s Office, have been down.

As a result of these cyberattacks, several websites, including the Prime Minister’s House, the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Welfare, have been down, and work is being done on an emergency basis to restore them.

The daily quotes the Defense Ministry as saying that this is the biggest cyber attack against Israel so far.

Sources said that state elements or some big organization is behind this cyber attack but the motive of these attacks has not been determined yet.

The report added that the attacks took place on Monday evening, after which an emergency was declared by the National Cyber ​​Directorate to assess the damage.

The attacks targeted domains (website addresses) whose extensions were Gov.IL and which extensions are used by official websites.

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