During the Christmas parade, the person who had crushed the citizens had come out of the house arguing

Wisconsin: Police say a man who crashed into a car during a Christmas parade in Wakisha, Wisconsin, has left home after an altercation.

According to details, Wakisha police said in a statement that Daryl Brooks, a 39-year-old black man who killed four women and a man by crushing them with a car during a Christmas parade, had come out of the house after a fight.

Police say the incident has nothing to do with terrorism, but in this case, Daryl Brooks will have to face charges of premeditated murder.

According to police, five people, including four women, were killed and 48 were injured in the incident, including children. Right-wing extremists tried to call the incident racist.

Shocking video of a car being driven over citizens at a Christmas parade

Former President Donald Trump’s son tweeted without looking at the evidence that the person who crushed the people is a terrorist.

On the other hand, the American media has revealed that Daryl Brooks also crushed a woman with a car on November 2, from which she was severely injured. The woman revealed that she is the mother of Daryl Brooks’ child.

In this case, Daryl Brooks was released on 1,000 bail, but he could not leave the house, meaning he had to stay home until the end of the case.

A statement from the district attorney’s office said in a statement after the incident that it was not clear why Brooks was released on such a low bond.


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