Toxic Crow apologizes for beating alleged thief

The urban artist Toxic Crow, who went to the Prosecutor’s Office, publicly apologized for hitting an alleged thief.

Toxic Crow spoke on his departure from the Santo Domingo Este Prosecutor’s Office, where he urged people to follow up on the complaints they make and thus the accused person is not released.

I apologize publicly for what happened and what I urge the people to always follow up on those arrested so that the process is finished, they have to follow up with the Public Ministry and the Prosecutor’s Office.“Said the singer.

Regarding what he said about going to live outside the country, he explained that “sometimes you say things that you later regret and I am Dominican and pro-Dominican that is why I have all the investments in my country.”

While his lawyer, Andrés Toribio, said that the investigations into the alleged thief continue.

Luis Enrique Caonabo Mesa, the artist’s first name, attended the Santo Domingo Este Prosecutor’s Office this Wednesday, after being cited by the authorities for hitting an alleged thief of mirrors.

It is recalled that a few days ago a video went viral where the singer tipped him "a pela ”to a young man while he was tied up.

After this situation, La Insuperable’s husband said that he will leave the Dominican Republic for a safer country where there is no “double standard.”

“Unfortunately I am going to have to leave the Dominican Republic permanently with my whole family and live in a safer country where there is not so much double standards and the security, integrity and tranquility of a citizen who has only been an example is respected. for youth. But don’t worry, time and facts will prove me right, “he said on his Instagram account.

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The urban interpreter posted a video of one of the parking lots of his building where two individuals are seen removing the rear view mirrors of the vehicles that were in the place.

“This lawyer who is there inside my building is the honorable intellect of my case for which they demonized me because what I should have done was to congratulate this fact and feel proud of these thefts and that he penetrates the security of my buildings and that he takes I borrowed several mirrors from my tenants’ vehicles ”, explained the artist.


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