Bill Clinton expects to be discharged from hospital this Sunday

Former United States President Bill Clinton (1993-2001) is doing "excellent progress" in his recovery from the infection for which he was hospitalized on Tuesday, and expects to be discharged this Sunday, according to his spokesman, Ángel Ureña.

"Former President Clinton has continued to make excellent strides in the past 24 hours"His spokesperson wrote this Saturday afternoon, in a statement posted on his official Twitter account.

"He will continue (admitted) tonight at the University of California Irvine Medical Center to continue receiving intravenous antibiotics before being discharged, we hope tomorrow"added Ureña.

Clinton, 75, is "looking forward to coming home very soon", has a good mood and has spent hours with his family, catching up on the lives of his friends and "watching college football" on television, the spokesperson explained.

The former president was admitted to the University of California Medical Center in Irvine on Tuesday due to a urinary tract infection that led to a blood infection known as sepsis, his doctors told various media.

The spokesman for the former president did not confirm the news of his hospital admission until Thursday night, a fact that set off alarms about his health, since Clinton has suffered several heart problems in the past.

In 2004 he underwent a quadruple bypass and in 2010 another cardiovascular surgery, but doctors explained to CNN that the current admission had nothing to do with any heart problem.

According to the team at the University of California Irvine Medical Center, Clinton is in the intensive care unit for reasons of "security and privacy".

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The doctors who are treating Clinton, Lisa Bardack and Alpesh Amin, detailed this Thursday that "after two days of treatment, your white blood cell count is dropping and responding well to antibiotics" and fluids that were administered "intravenously".

Clinton resides in New York, but on Tuesday he traveled to California to participate in a private event with his wife and former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Once there, he began to feel nauseous and dizzy, so he went to the hospital and was admitted that same day.

Hillary Clinton, for her part, attended the aforementioned private event on behalf of the couple and later went to the hospital early Friday.

The president of the United States, Joe Biden, telephoned Clinton on Friday and wished him a "quick recovery", the White House reported.

Clinton is one of four former US presidents still alive, along with Donald Trump (2017-2021), Barack Obama (2009-2017), George W. Bush (2001-2009) and Jimmy Carter (1977-1981).

The latter is, at 97 years old, the longest-lived president in the history of the United States.


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