Home Tech 4gnews launches newsletter with the main technological news in Portugal

4gnews launches newsletter with the main technological news in Portugal

4gnews has always aimed to respond to the needs of readers and followers of the project since its inception in 2014. For this reason, we now present the latest weekly news vehicle, the 4gnews newsletter.

This way they will be able to receive the main technological highlights of the week, free of charge, to reach the e-mail/email of any interested party. For such, enough subscribe to the newsletter through this linkso you don’t miss the news.

Weekly Newsletter will bring the main technological highlights in Portugal


We know how difficult it can be to keep up with all the latest tech news and developments during the hustle and bustle of the week, which is why we created this informative roundup. It will be a free distribution medium and personally curated by the authors of 4gnews.

This way they will be able to follow the main news highlights of the week, see or review the new analysis published, as well as be up to date with the best buying opportunities selected by the 4gnews team. All in a new weekly distribution format after signing with the email address.

Subscribe to the 4gnews newsletter through this link

The bulletin will bring the most relevant news of each week and will be distributed on Fridays. It will be specially composed for those who prefer to catch up on the weekend so they don’t forget anything important.

This newsletter will also feature the latest exclusives and interviews from 4gnews whenever they are available. Membership, as well as cancellation (removal of subscription) can be done at any time, according to the preferences of the reader.

Finally, the first edition of the 4gnews newsletter will be published this week, possibly on Friday (15), with the first technological highlights.

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