An organization that defends animals transported this Wednesday by air from Puerto Rico to Miami to 20 dogs and 10 abandoned cats who were in a shelter in San Juan when Hurricane Fiona hit the island.
The NGO Humana Society of Broward County, neighboring Miami-Dade, look now for people who want to adopt these animals arrived today at dawn aboard a cargo plane that landed at Miami International Airport.
The dogs and cats, in their travel cages, were taken from the airport, where they received a media welcome, to an animal shelter in Dania Beach, about 23 miles (37 km) from Miami.
According to representatives of the Human Society, the animals were in a shelter of another protective organization in San Juan, called "Save a sato (stray dog)".
The shelter was affected, like most of Puerto Rico, by the blackout as a result of Hurricane Fiona passing through the island on Sunday and Monday.
The Puerto Rican authorities have not yet quantified the damage caused by Fiona, but Governor Pedro Pierluisi has defined it as "catastrophic".
Until this Tuesday 80% of Puerto Rico was still without electricitywhile the water supply continued to be cut off for 60% of the island, two days after the impact of the hurricane.
"Unfortunately, the shelter lost electricity. They also did not have running water and they thought that if they took a few animals they would have more space in the shelter for others displaced by the disaster."Cheria Wachter of the Humana Society told reporters at the airport.
Before giving them up for adoption, the 20 dogs and 10 cats will receive veterinary care and grooming.
"sato" is the name by which street dogs are colloquially known in Puerto Rico.