Home Sports Zaragoza to Host Basketball Queen’s Cup in 2025 and 2027

Zaragoza to Host Basketball Queen’s Cup in 2025 and 2027

Zaragoza will host the Basketball Queen's Cup in 2025 and 2027

Zaragoza has been selected as the host city for the Copa de la Reina de Baloncesto in 2025 and 2027, thanks to the success of the 2023 event, which broke records with 10,800 tickets sold.

This was announced by Mayor Natalia Chueca during a press conference to review the first year of the legislature, in which she emphasized the city’s commitment to organizing sporting events and attracting visitors to boost the local economy.

Chueca expressed pride in hosting the Copa de la Reina and securing a second and third year deal with the Spanish Basketball Federation, citing the 2023 event’s success in the Príncipe Felipe Pavilion as a key factor.

According to Chueca, Zaragoza’s hosting of the event is a significant milestone in the city’s efforts to establish itself as a major sporting destination, aligning with its work as the European Capital of Sports in 2027.

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