Windows 11: CPU Load Skyrockets with Cross-Device Service

Since this month, Windows Insiders have reported issues with excessive CPU usage on Windows 11, which has been linked to the Microsoft Cross Device Service. The service is connected to the Phone Link app, a feature that Microsoft has been working on to provide new capabilities for Windows 11 users.

Microsoft has confirmed the issue and has identified the cause, stating that the problem only affects insider builds and does not impact users of the regular Windows 11 version. However, a fix has yet to be developed.

Microsoft’s Jennifer Gentleman confirmed that a solution is being worked on, but provided no further updates after a week, leaving affected users without a timeline for a resolution.

Insiders who are experiencing the problem are faced with limited options. Either they switch back to the stable release of Windows 11, or deactivate the Cross Device Service, which may have additional repercussions for their system.

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