Actor Rajesh Khattar, who has earned a place in people’s hearts with his voice and acting, is also making headlines for his personal life. Rajesh Khattar was married to Shahid Kapoor’s mother, Neelima Azeem. He also has a son, Ishaan Khattar, from this marriage. However, Neelima and Rajesh Khattar’s marriage (1990-2001) lasted for 11 years and then both of them separated.
As per Times of India news, recently Rajesh Khattar has spoken about his relationship with Neelima. He told how he had met Neelima.
He said: ‘It started with friendship. We both met on the sets. We had a conversation. We both were together for 1 year before marriage. We got married in 1990. We both had very good memories. I am still in contact with Neelima. My wife Vandana and Neelima are also good friends. ,
Tell them that after parting with Neelima, Rajesh married Vandana Sajnani in 2008. He has a son from this marriage. This son was born to him in 2019 after 11 years of marriage.
When Rajesh was asked why his marriage with Neelima did not work out, he refused to elaborate on it. He said that this is a long story and the lack of coordination is one of the main reasons. Let me tell you one thing, if you ask someone why the relationship didn’t work out, then when something happened 5 or 10 years ago, no one will have a clear answer. People will say I don’t know.
On the work front, Rajesh Khattar has done shows like Left Right Left, Beyhadh and Bepannah.
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