Why is the Russia-Ukraine conflict being called the first “hybrid war”? Terrible revelation came to light

Washington: Brad Smith, president of US technology company Microsoft, has called the Russia-Ukraine conflict the world’s first ‘hybrid war’.

According to foreign media reports, while addressing the Microsoft Innovation event in London, he said that earlier wars started with land, air and naval strikes, but now we have entered into its new and fourth type of ‘cyber’. Are

He claimed that the cyber attacks were launched before the invasion of Ukraine, a sign of the beginning of a new kind of war.

The president of Microsoft said that until a week before the start of the war, the Ukrainian government was running entirely on-premises (software, rather than a cloud or server that runs on an individual or organization’s computer or the same place).

He added that in anticipation of escalating aggression, Microsoft took immediate action to move 16 of the 17 state-owned enterprises and major Ukrainian companies to the cloud in just a few days to build data centers across Europe outside Ukraine. So Microsoft spent more than ارب 12 billion.

“We have three responsibilities to protect against this hybrid war: strong government, defense of the nation and protection of the people,” Smith said.

Brad Smith added: “The best way to protect your country in the event of a war is to secure its digital assets, because you are the most secure when people don’t know. Where is your data?

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