Home Entertainment When Shilpa was kissed, the chase ended after 15 years

When Shilpa was kissed, the chase ended after 15 years

When Shilpa was kissed, the chase ended after 15 years

Shilpa Shetty’s name is included in the list of famous Bollywood actresses. She is an actress who is known for her beauty along with her movies. Her age is 47 years old, although she has no break in terms of beauty. However, apart from all this, she also has an old relationship with controversy. So let us tell you today about one such controversy, for which they were persecuted after 15 years.

It’s about the year 2007. When Shilpa Shetty and the famous Hollywood actor Richard Gere appeared together at an event. Here both were called to make people aware of AIDS. But during this time something happened on stage so there was an uproar. In reality, the actor Richard first takes the actress’s hand, then hugs her, and then suddenly starts kissing Shilpa.

What then started was a controversy regarding this matter, and people started accusing Shilpa of spreading obscenities. In some reports, it is even said that during that time some Hindu organizations protested against Shilpa, calling this incident against Indian culture.

After this incident, a case was filed against Shilpa Shetty and Richard for spreading obscenities. At the same time, after 15 years, in January 2022, the court has given him a respite from this case.

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