Since December, WhatsApp users have been able to use the Chat integration in the messenger app. This enables seamless chat with Openai’s AI without having to install a separate app. Recently, users can also send photos and voice messages to utilize Chatgpt’s image and speech recognition. This works pretty well and offers new applications for users.
We have explained in detail how you can write on WhatsApp with Chatgpt. Basically, you only have to add the number 1-800-242-8478 as a contact and can chat directly. Before that, sending pictures or voice messages was not possible here (which can be set to WhatsApp for corporate accounts). Now there is the corresponding function for both.
With the sending of pictures to Chat, you can directly ask questions to the AI that have to do with it. The AI analyzes the photo and reacts accordingly, recognizes dishes and animal species or can translate texts that can be seen in the picture.

Voice messages, on the other hand, make communication with AI even easier. You can ask your questions as usual, Chatgpt then responds in text form. This saves you from typing in long questions. In our experiment, speech recognition worked quite well. Even asking several questions in a longer message is well recognized, the AI answers it in a row and needs relatively little time.
Incidentally, you can soon link an already existing Chat account with WhatsApp. So if you already own Chatgpt Pro, there are more functions. At the moment, we have not been able to test this because it was not unlocked.