WhatsApp Crashes: Messenger Experiences Widespread Issues

Do you want to send a message via WhatsApp now? Unfortunately, many users are reporting disruptions on the platform Allestörungen, indicating that WhatsApp is experiencing technical issues. Messages cannot be sent.

However, it’s possible that this could be a display issue in WhatsApp rather than a complete failure. When sending a message, WhatsApp shows that it has been transferred to the server but cannot be received by the recipient, resulting in a grey check mark.

In reality, the recipient has already replied, meaning that the message should have two blue ticks. In this case, WhatsApp may be having trouble displaying the message correctly, not sending it.

It’s possible that only sending voice messages and pictures are disrupted, while text messages can still be sent. One user reported: “Text messages go out, but sending and receiving voice messages and pictures takes forever.”

The first grey check mark indicates that the message has reached the WhatsApp servers, while the second grey check mark appears when the message has successfully reached the recipient. Both check marks turn blue when the recipient has read the message.

Interestingly, Instagram, which is also owned by Meta, appears to be experiencing similar issues, with problems starting earlier.

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