What foods inflame the gut?

The intestines are vital organs for the body as they are responsible for expelling the matter that our body cannot absorb during the digestion process, turning it into feces and then discarding it.

Although the intestines are naturally configured to discard what your body doesn’t need, it tends to happen that, due to eating routine, sedentary lifestyle and other factors, they are prevented from working at 100% of their capacity.

These are some of the foods you should avoid to prevent inflammation of the gut and keep it working properly:

Sodas and all those drinks that contain gas often cause bloating. Plus, they’re usually high in sugar, so it’s best to avoid them.

These foods often contain unhealthy chemical sweeteners, so you should also avoid taking them.

Despite being rich in protein and calcium, dairy products cause a lot of gas because lactose is difficult to process. If your belly bloats when you eat these types of foods, try to eat them lactose-free.

Some vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, or Brussels sprouts, can cause gas and bloating. Although they are very healthy and provide a lot of nutrients, if you feel unwell, you should consume them in moderation.

Foods that contain a lot of fiber cause it to ferment in the intestines and produce gas and bloating. If this is the case for you, you should take it in moderation.

Processed flours can cause stomach problems. Instead of cutting out bread, you can opt for whole grain bread or any other type of bread that contains whole grains.

When you chew gum, you swallow a lot of air, which causes your belly to swell and irritating gas to appear.

Although they are very nutritious, legumes are very difficult to digest and cause discomfort in the digestive system. To avoid this, you need to know how to prepare them correctly and combine them with low-fat foods.

Foods with a lot of spices can release stomach acid and irritate you. If you notice swelling while taking them, you should reduce your intake.

Excess salt causes fluid retention and, therefore, the belly ends up swelling up like a balloon.

Foods high in bad fats are very difficult to digest and inflame the stomach. To prevent this, you should replace them with healthy fats from foods like olive oil, walnuts, or salmon.

In this case, it particularly affects you to consume it in a refined way.

Excessive consumption of caffeine can cause bloating, in addition to the fact that in the long run, you may experience gastritis problems.

Fried foods, hot dogs, bread, croutons and even some sweets.

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intestines, inflammation, detox, lemon, gas, digestion, irritable bowel

On the contrary, these are the foods that benefit your intestines.

The most favorable products for keeping the intestines clean are as follows:

  • Fresh fruit with peel
  • yeast flakes
  • fresh vegetables
  • wheat products
  • Seaweed
  • sprouted grains
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • almonds
  • Cress

But they are not the only ones. It is also recommended to consume various legumes, flaxseeds, nuts and foods containing fiber. While eating these foods at any time helps to cleanse the colon, eating them on an empty stomach increases their effect.

The benefits of taking care of your gut

Over time and with poor eating habits, waste products build up in the intestines that can obstruct the normal flow of bowel movements. In this way, toxins are stored that irritate, inflame and congest the colon.

Clean your intestines weekly or annually:

  • Take care of the digestive system. Anti-inflammatory foods prevent bloating, difficult digestion and protect the intestinal flora.
  • regulate the weight. Eating an anti-inflammatory diet helps regulate weight and keep it off.
  • protect the defenses. The anti-inflammatory diet keeps the immune system stronger and thus can deal with infections more efficiently.
  • Calm the pain. Symptoms derived from inflammation, such as menstrual pain, autoimmune diseases, heart problems, arthritis, osteoarthritis, and tendonitis, are alleviated.
  • Improve sleep. When there is no inflammation, the body’s stress is reduced and so rest is favored.
  • cheer The gut and brain are related, so an anti-inflammatory diet helps reduce stress and anxiety and brings balance to the body and mind.

How to clean the intestine?

intestines, inflammation, detox, lemon, gas, digestion, irritable bowel

To ensure an optimal intestinal condition, it is necessary to carry out an annual or weekly purification. There are several recipes for bowel cleansing.

To name a few options, you can detox with a whole week of just raw fruits and vegetables and lots of water.

Another possibility is that you drink these shakes before each meal for a week.

  • Apple, pear, fresh spinach, carrot, orange juice and water.
  • Orange juice, strawberries and peach.
  • Strawberries, pineapple and parsley.

There is also a seed known as psyllium, a balm for the intestines. It is a type of banana that has the ability to regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels, is a laxative and fights irritable bowel syndrome.

And on the other hand, something very easy to do, is a detox with lemon juice. You simply have to drink in the morning, on an empty stomach, a glass of warm water with a little lemon juice. It will help you not only with bowel cleansing, but with cleansing your entire body.


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