Team India won the Asia Cup 2023 title. The Indian team led by Rohit Sharma easily defeated hosts Sri Lanka in the title match. Dashun Shanaka’s team faced defeat by 10 wickets in the final. However, a video is becoming increasingly viral on social media. Indian players Ishan Kishan and Virat Kohli are seen in the viral video on social media. This video is after the India-Sri Lanka final.
In fact, Virat Kohli, Ishan Kishan, Shubman Gill, Hardik Pandya, Shreyas Iyer and Tilak Verma spoke after the win over Sri Lanka in the Asia Cup final. Meanwhile, Team India’s wicketkeeper-batsman Ishan Kishan started imitating Virat Kohli. Ishan Kishan started copying Virat Kohli’s walking style. During this time, the players standing nearby couldn’t stop laughing.
Ishan Kishan does a Virat walk – Virat Kohli with the counter ???#AsiaCup23
— Rohit Juglan Rohit Juglan (@rohitjuglan) September 17, 2023
Where would Virat Kohli stop after that… Virat Kohli copied Ishan Kishan’s walking style, what then… All the players standing nearby couldn’t stop laughing. However, Ishan Kishan and Virat Kohli’s video is becoming viral on social media. In addition, social media users continuously provide their feedback through comments.
At the same time, the Indian team won the title for the eighth time by defeating Sri Lanka by 10 wickets in the Asia Cup final. The title fight between the two teams will take place at Colombo’s R. Played at Premadasa Stadium.