War in Ukraine: the President of the European Commission wants Vladimir Putin to be brought to justice

“Putin must lose this war and be held accountable.” In an interview with the German daily television channel PictureIhe President of the European Commission pleaded, Thursday, September 15, in favor of an appearance of the Russian President before international justice for war crimes in Ukraine.

“We support the collection of evidence” for proceedings before the International Criminal Court, added Ursula von der Leyenwho paid a visit to kyiv during the day. “The foundations of our system of international law demand that we prosecute such crimes and, ultimately, it is Putin who is responsible for them”she added.

Asked about the likelihood that the Russian head of state could one day be brought before international justice, Ursula von der Leyen felt that it seemed “possible” to her. Earlier in the day, during a visit to Kyiv, the President of the European Commission promised that the EU would support Ukraine “as long as” as it should be against Russia.

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