Bollywood actress Vicky Kaushal will be seen as a special guest on ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’ along with director Shoojit Sircar. The director-actor duo arrived on set to promote their new film ‘Sardar Udham’, in which Irrfan Khan was once cast for the character played by Vicky Kaushal. On the show, the actor described himself as a fan of the late actor Irrfan Khan.
In an interaction with the guests, Archana Puran Singh spoke about how the protagonist has to play a difficult role and on top of that, Irrfan Khan was caught to play the role for the first time. Vicky Kaushal said that she loved the late actor very much.
He said, “Ma’am actually, I’m a huge fan of Irrfan, sir. I think he’s one of the best actors in the world.” Speaking of ‘Sardar Udham’, he said: “Every shot, every shot in this movie is a tribute to Mr. Irrfan.” ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’ airs on Sony Entertainment Television.
Along with this, we tell you that a promo of The Kapil Sharma Show has emerged in which it is seen that Vicky Kaushal arrives at the show and Kiku Sharda is present on stage. That’s when he says that Shahrukh Khan is upset with Vicky Kaushal. Because Vicky hasn’t seen her Josh movie yet.
Vicky is surprised by this. So Kiku says it’s true that he hasn’t seen Josh’s movie because if he wasn’t, why would he ask over and over how Josh is doing in Uri? Hearing this, everyone burst out laughing.