Van de Beek finds an opportunity at Inter Milan

Donny van deBeek will put an end to his stage in the Manchester Utdonce the present course ends, all this after the Dutch midfielder arrived from the Ajax from Amsterdam in exchange for 40 million euros as one of the best players in his position, his time being Old Trafford a disaster that places him as one of the worst signings in the history of the Red Devils.

The arrival of Erik Ten Hag, with whom Van de Beek showed his best football at Ajax in Amsterdam, seemed to be a lifeboat so that the midfielder could have playing minutes, something that has not been the case, which feeds again the rumors about a possible departure during the next summer market, this being the scenario in which the Inter de Milan he would try to reinforce his midfield with a footballer who would try to recover the best of his pressures in the Giuseppe Meazza to the orders of the Italian technician simone inzaghi.

It all depends on Brozovic

According to the latest information, it was the coach Simone Inzaghi who would have put the name of Donny Van deBeek as a possible alternative to improve the Inter Milan squad for 2023/2024, seeking to cover a potential departure of Marcelo Brozóvic at the end of the course, in what is probably the last great opportunity for the Dutch player to try to recover in Serie A the direction of what seemed like a promising sports career.

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