Home Science Using nail booths can cause skin cancer

Using nail booths can cause skin cancer

Using nail booths can cause skin cancer

In work published by American researchers in the journal Nature In January 2023, a group of scientists discovered that the irradiation of a uv nail polish dryer causes high levels of reactive oxygen species and mitochondrial dysfunction. These effects increase the chances of getting melanoma, one of the most metastatic forms of cancer. Although the experiments were performed in cell cultures, they are representative of what can occur in human skin. Since UNQ Science News Agency we put the magnifying glass to evaluate in detail a subject that seems aesthetic, but is a matter of skin.

Resistant enamel… at what price?

Nails painted in different colors are definitely beautiful. Nowadays, there are even very original designs that include flowers or more complex designs. However, any simple task, such as washing dishes, compromises the integrity and damages the enamels. In recent years, gel-based enamels have been developed: they have a series of monomers (like small links in a chain) that, when dry, form a polymer and harden, making them more resistant. The problem is that this drying implies the use of ultraviolet light lamps.

Ultraviolet (UV) light is a type of electromagnetic radiation. A large part of these rays are blocked by the ozone layer, in fact, only those that reach the earth’s surface can be classified based on their effect on human skin. Ultraviolet B (UVB) light makes up about 10% of the UV radiation found on Earth, penetrating the outer layer of the skin and inducing DNA damage. In contrast, ultraviolet A (UVA) light makes up the remaining 90%, can penetrate deeper into the skin, and causes little direct DNA damage as UVA rays are poorly absorbed by this macromolecule.

UVA radiation is not without adverse effects.: Most of the environmental toxicity of UVA rays has been attributed to the use of commercial products such as tanning booths. After prolonged exposure to UVA rays, skin cells are more likely to develop carcinoma. The International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified UVA rays as carcinogenic. Despite this caveat, however, UVA radiation is widely used in consumer products such as nail polish dryers.

It should be noted that, in most cases, both the nails hands are irradiated for up to 10 minutes per session. Typically, users come in for a nail polish change or touch-up every two weeks. The accounts are clear.

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In the article published in the journal Nature, the scientists studied the effects of nail dryers on cell lines, some derived from human tissue and some from animals. Among the reported effects, scientists speak of reactive oxygen species and mitochondrial damage. Mitochondria are found inside cells and their mission is to produce energy to carry out metabolism. When mitochondria are defective, cells don’t have enough energy.

To this we must add that they found DNA mutations. As an additional fact, as this macromolecule has a limited ability to repair errors, the variants accumulate over time. This results in greater chances of contracting cancer, in this case of the skin, since it is the most affected organ. And it’s not just any cancer: Melanoma is one of the forms of cancer with the highest incidence of metastasis..

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