Home World Users continue to complain about the Edes

Users continue to complain about the Edes

Usuarios se siguen quejando de las Edes

Users of the electrical service maintain their complaints about the high prices of the energy they pay and which they argue they do not consume.

Likewise, the clients of the different distributors report that their claims have not been taken into account and describe their appeals to the company as “useless”, since they do not see a resolution of the problems that affect them.

“I have time marking Edeste and if I show him the report numbers that I have to date, we will not finish today, in the end they do what they want,” said Adolfina Pichardo.

A housewife told this medium Listín Diario that she is processing the moving papers, since the electricity rate exceeds the rent of her apartment.

“I am doing the errands to move, rather, I am going to move, the bill is more expensive than the house payment, I have not reached a worse situation because my husband works but the situation has become unsustainable for us , I only have two fans and I never wanted to put air to take care of my pocket, I find myself paying almost 10,000 pesos, “said Jaqueline Mata, who was on the outskirts of Edeeste.

For Ana María Concepción, who defines herself as a person of “humble” origin, paying for electricity has become an “odyssey”. She explains that she had the subsidy provided by the government “light bonus”, and when she went to make the payment she discovered that she no longer had the subsidy without any explanation.

“My children’s father is a motorcyclist, I don’t work and I don’t know why they took him away from me, because I know of people who don’t comply with what they ask for and have it, but in the end the “fucked” ones are the ones harmed with everything and topping it off, the bill came to me for RD$3,000,” said Concepción indignantly.

about resignation
Others consulted on the electrical issue declared they felt “joy” or “karma” with the resignation of the Superintendent of Electricity, Rafael Velazco.

“That money that we have extra on the bill is what those “turpenes” had to make their salary increases, here is the only country where the ministers and other fragrances earn more than the president”, sarcastically William Mena.

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