Home Crypto US wants better cooperation to track down crypto criminals

US wants better cooperation to track down crypto criminals

VS wil betere samenwerking om crypto criminelen op te sporen

If you’ve seen quite a few action movies, you may think that criminals can easily escape punishment by fleeing to another country. In any case, the US government is concerned about this when it comes to crimes in the international world of cryptocurrency. So the US wants to change that so that it becomes easy to prosecute crypto criminals in another country.

Crypto too easy for criminals

The United States Department of Justice recently a 58 page report published in which it describes that law-enforcement institutions from different countries should work better together when it comes to digital assets.

Although according to recent data the amount of crime in crypto is relatively very low, namely only 0.15% of all transactions, the market is still often labeled as such by government agencies. Yet it happensin the world of cryptocurrencies there’s a lot more under the radar.

This is how a theft was recently of USD 90 million spotted on Terra (LUNA), while the attack had already been carried out in October. Although intelligence services can now see where the money is going, those responsible may have long since disappeared with the money.

The Ministry of Justice believes that it is made too easy for criminals. They have clearly moved with the times and are making good use of the opportunity to commit crimes in one country while in another country altogether.

Skynet for crypto?

The Ministry calls for better cooperation, so that ‘research resources are not wasted’. This prevents work being performed twice by organizations in different countries. This can be prevented by working together better and therefore also by sharing data with each other. A kind of Interpol for crypto.

One of the things you will probably think soon is that it does have something of Skynet. That’s the surveillance network from the Terminator universe that kept an eye on everything and everyone, and that’s not exactly positive.

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