Urgent call to Real Sociedad stops the transfer of Karrikaburu to Granada CF

From the txuri-urdin club they have met a good number of interested parties in the youth striker

Jon Karrikaburu I had everything ready to be a new player of the Grenade CF, but the competition for his signing has increased with the passing of the days. From the Real society They know that they will have to carry out an operation for their youth player as soon as possible, since they are interested in giving him filming.

Let’s remember that Karrikaburu has been closely followed by the Grenade CF for a while. The Nasrids were the best placed to give the txuri-urdines youth quality minutes in a profitable loan, but other teams have come to compete for their arrival in the winter transfer window.

Karrikaburu points to Granada CF, but there are other possibilities

Granada CF finds unexpected rivals in the signing of Jon Karrikaburu

In this way, it has been confirmed that two new clubs have entered the search for the signing of the attacker. The first of them is Deportivo Alavés, which has great needs to add talent to its offensive line. The babazorros have already made some key queries to those of Imanol in this regard.

This completely changes Granada CF’s plans with Karrikaburu and Real Sociedad as well, since they hoped to soon solve the loan they had in mind. Of course, this could be beneficial, since there are teams in dispute, they will be able to offer the player and the one who makes a better proposal will keep his services.

Leganés is another of those interested in the footballer txuri-urdin

In any case, Alavés is not the only team that wants to fight for the signing of the striker. It has also been possible to establish that Leganés has been interested in the attacker for a loan. There, they offer him opportunities to stand out, since like the babazorros, they need to add troops in this demarcation.

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We will have to wait then for what can happen with this movement. For now, Granada’s option for Karrikaburu, even if it is the best, will not be the only one. This puts the Real society to the expectation, since the immediate future of the young striker must be resolved this week.

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