Home Sports Unicaja Abuzz with Ongoing Sima Soap Opera Saga

Unicaja Abuzz with Ongoing Sima Soap Opera Saga

The 'Sima soap opera' continues to be news at Unicaja

Unicaja Begins Preparing for Next Season, Sima’s Renewal Remains Uncertain

AND Unicaja is starting to draw its preseason plans for the next campaign while continuing to glimpse the future of its squad. The Malaga team has already closed the first friendly, which will take place against Covirán Granada in Córdoba on the occasion of the Andalusia Basketball Cup 2024. This tournament is scheduled to take place the last week of August.

However, it is not the only front opened by the Los Guindos team, as another renewal is being processed in the offices. This last one, that of Yankuba Sima, is somewhat more complex.

The entity keeps several fronts open in the preparation of its staff. For now, the renewal of Yankuba Sima is being negotiated, with which an agreement has not yet been reached for different reasons. Furthermore, it has Will Thomas and Augusto Lima as players who are out of contract and who have not had an offer formalized.

The key date is next July 7th, as Gran Canaria is stalking the possible signing of the player and has until that day to present an offer for the pivot. From the day that this contractual proposal is presented in the ACB, Unicaja has five days to make a final decision. It may be to match it and stay with Chasm for the 24-25 campaign.

After the renovations of Barreiro, Taylor, and Ejim, this one from Sima is becoming the first soap opera of the summer at Carpena. The last conversations, as reported by La Opinión de Málaga, took place last Monday without the club and player reaching any kind of agreement.

Awaiting a possible offer from Gran Canaria

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