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Toulouse: after a wild rodeo, a woman breaks the leg of a police officer

Toulouse: after a wild rodeo, a woman breaks the leg of a police officer

Three people including a young woman of 25 were arrested Sunday afternoon in Toulouse (Haute-Garonne), after a wild rodeo. During the intervention, a police officer fractured his tibia.

The police had been called by residents who could not take any more of the nuisance caused by a man and his quad. When the municipal police arrived on the spot, he refused to be checked and fled, followed by a car in which his companion and another individual were, says The Dispatch.

In still unclear circumstances, the three fugitives ended up stopping and a fight broke out with passers-by. In the chaos, the young woman grabbed the quad and hit a two-wheeler to leave the scene, injuring two people. The other two men, returned to the car, were arrested by BAC officers. While searching the vehicle, they made a strange discovery, finding a flashing light, a police armband and a crashed bullet case.

As the situation calmed down, the companion of one of the arrested returned to contact the police, this time on foot. She was vehemently screaming for him to be released. Officials then proceeded to arrest her, but she struggled and broke the shin of an officer who was trying to stop her.

The three individuals arrested were already known to the police. The couple must go to the criminal court to be tried in an immediate appearance. The other person was released.

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