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Toco, the story of the man who turns into a dog in a costume

«Es un sueño hecho realidad”: Toco, el hombre que se ‘convirtió’ en un perro

A man in Japan fulfilled his dream of becoming a “dog” after investing around 12,000 euros in a hyper-realistic collie costume.

The story of this Japanese man known as Toco went around the world because he leaves people and even dogs who meet him stunned.

“Ever since I was a child, I wanted a change. When I wear the suit I feel happy because my dream is coming true,” explains Toco in an interview with EFE.

This man keeps his identity secret, but every time he goes out on the street, numerous people ask him for photos out of curiosity. The truth is that many simply go up to him to pet him because they think he is a real dog.

But none of this would have been possible without the Zeppet company, which took on the challenge of designing and manufacturing this hyper-realistic dog suit.

This company is known for making costumes for films. In total, it took 40 days to develop the 4-kilogram costume that allows Toco to walk like a dog.

However, this Japanese man was called “crazy or sick” because he spent a large sum of money to become a collie.

“Of course my family knows, but I have very few friends that I have told; just three or four people. Although they are surprised, the reaction is positive,” he adds.

The collie, his favorite dog breed

Toco is aware that his behavior is somewhat “abnormal,” but he has done everything he can to fulfill his dream of being a dog of his favorite breed. In fact, he doesn’t rule out more dog costumes being made in the future.

He knows that his story is very impressive and that’s why he decided to take the step on social networks, where his videos already have millions of views and comments.

“I get all kinds of messages. Among the positive messages, some tell me they want to do the same; “It made me realize that there are other people like me,” said Toco.

To fulfill his dream, he had to go to great lengths to save about 2 million yen (12,240 euros) for his dog costume.

In this way, Toco just hopes to “be happy and enjoy his life as a dog man.” Therefore, he invited people to work on fulfilling their dreams, no matter how “crazy” they may be.

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