Home Sports Title option for Acosta and to beat Capirossi in Italy

Title option for Acosta and to beat Capirossi in Italy

It’s been a long time since Pedro Acosta does not taste the honeys of triumph. Specifically since Austria 1, six races ago, at the beginning of August. However, that does not mean that the Murcian Mazarron continue to be the solid overall leader in Moto3. He is so strong that his 30-point advantage over Dennis Foggia they grant you already in the GP of the Emilia Romagna, three dates from the end of the championship, his first title ball. Any time is good to be crowned champion, but to do it this Sunday in the Marco Simoncelli from Misano would also have the extra prize of breaking a historical record of Loris Capirossi

And is that the Red Bull KTM Ajo started the season at 16 years old, he turned 17 in May and could now be crowned this Sunday at the age of 17 years and 152 days, thus breaking the record for precocity in the World Cup set by the Italian Capirex when he achieved the first of his two 125cc titles, in 1990, at 17 years and 165 days old).

The combination for the Mazarrón Shark to close the title already this Sunday, without having to wait for the Misano 2 and Valencia appointments, is not easy, because he needs to win the race and that his most immediate pursuer does not exceed twelfth place, In other words, that the Leopard does not finish in the top eleven, something very difficult considering that it has had five podiums in the last five races (two wins, one second and two third).

Still the possibility is there this Sunday for the Acosta phenomenon, who has in his favor the loss due to injury suffered in Austin by Sergio García, the other driver who mathematically still had something to say in the championship for being 50 points behind the head with 75 at stake. From the fourth, which is Romano Fenati 80 points away, No one has options for a title that Acosta well deserves in his debut season, forged with ten fabulous first races in which he managed to add five victories and a second place, precisely in his first World Cup race, that of Qatar 1. The next, that of Qatar 2, he already won and also starting from the pit lane, which made everyone see that he was a special pilot.

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