Soon, Tinder will allow its users to verify their profile using an identification card. Available since 2019 in Japan, this new option will be completely voluntary. Tinder will not require you to enter your ID card into the app to meet people. With the move, the dating app hopes to combat the proliferation of fake accounts.
Since 2019, Tinder offers its Japanese usersattesting your identity by entering the information on your identity card. In the coming quarters, the dating app belonging to the Match group will extend this functionality to all users around the world.
Initially, this option will be exclusively optional. Tinder will not remove accounts that refuse to disclose their ID card. “We know that in many parts of the world and within traditionally marginalized communities, people can have compelling reasons for not or not wanting to share their real identity with an online platform.”, argues Tracey Breeden, Match’s vice president of security.
Also read: Tinder will allow its users to verify that your partner has a criminal record
Tinder declares war on fake accounts
Under these conditions, Tinder approached local experts based in different countries. These experts will advise Tinder on the best way to implement the feature based on local restrictions. “Creating a truly fair solution for identity verification is a difficult but critical security project, and we are reaching out to our communities as well as experts to help us”, continues Tinder’s statement.
“We did a test and learned the approach to implement the option. We know that one of the most valuable things Tinder can do to make its members feel secure is to build the confidence that their peers are genuine ”, says Tracey Breeden. Unsurprisingly, the functionality is designed to prevent internet users from creating fake accounts under false names and with fictitious photos.
In the same vein, Tinder launched in 2020 an option called “Profile verification” which allows you to prove the authenticity of the uploaded photos. For this, the application asks you to provide a series of selfies. With ID card verification, Tinder goes one step further.