Home Business They will offer professional training in municipal administration and public-private partnerships

They will offer professional training in municipal administration and public-private partnerships

Ofrecerán formación profesional en administración municipal y alianzas público-privadas

The General Directorate of Public Private Partnerships (DGAPP) and the University of the Caribbean (Unicaribe) will implement training actions to encourage and strengthen the capacities of the human capital necessary for the design, proposal and management of public-private partnerships (APP) from local governments.

The collaboration agreement signed by the executive director of the DGAPP, sigmund freund and the rector of Unicaribe, teacher Jose Alejandro Aybar Martihas the purpose of join efforts to promote municipal management that fosters and strengthens public-private partnerships as a tool for local development through specialized training.

During the signing of the agreement, the executive director of the DGAPP, Sigmund Freund, thanked the Unicaribe authorities for their willingness to contribute to the professionalization of the human capital essential for good PPP practices.

Freund indicated that, for the General Directorate of Public-Private Partnerships, it is a source of great satisfaction that together with the Universidad del Caribe a collaboration can be established to join efforts in the specialization of local governments in terms of management of public-private partnerships, with priority in the southern region where municipalities are currently being benefited by various private investments aimed at promoting the economic development of communities.

The rector of Unicaribe, José Alejandro Aybar, stressed that the university must be at the forefront of issues that are beneficial to society and in this case, together with the DGAPP, we promote knowledge about public-private alliances from local governments, thereby propping up their impact on the territories and local governance.

With this agreement, the DGAPP commits to: offer scholarships of study through the Continuing Education Program of the DGAPP (APPrendiendo), of academic programs promoted by Unicaribe. Also, it will make the DGAPP staff available as part of the faculty of the Academic programs coordinated together and will collaborate in the creation and structuring of academic program content in public-private partnerships.

Similarly, the Universidad del Caribe is responsible for assuming administrative and promotional costs of the academic programs, coordinating the academic contents of the public-private alliances chair, facilitating teachers for workshops organized by the DGAPP, and facilitating the academic certification of graduates. . promote academic programs developed jointly.

In addition to the authorities, the DGAPP was present at the signing of the agreement, the Deputy Director of Promotion, Izalia López, the Legal Director, Gray Peña and the Director of Communications, Elaine Nivar. For Unicaribe, they attended: the administrative vice-chancellor Shahily Pimentel, the director of the Humanities career, teacher Ariel Baez and director of the Municipal Program, Altagracia Tavarez.

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