The world’s oldest woman has died

The worlds oldest woman has died

Japan’s Ken Tanaka, the world’s oldest person, has died at the age of 119.

Ken Tanaka was born on January 2, 1903, in Fukuoka, southwestern Japan, at a time when Japan was emerging as a world power, according to AFP.

In the same year, the Wright brothers invented the first airplane. Marie Curie became the first woman to receive the Nobel Prize.

The following year, Russia launched a war against Japan and suffered a major defeat.

Tanaka, who got married a century ago and had four children, spent the last days of her life in a nursing home in Japan where she continued to enjoy board games, math problems and chocolate vodka till the end.

Tanaka, the seventh of nine siblings, was married at the age of 19. Her husband had fought in the Sino-Japanese War in 1937, and his son had served in the Soviet Union as a prisoner of war in World War II.

A mathematician and calligrapher, Tanaka was hailed as the world’s oldest person in 2019 and said he was happier than ever. Tanaka, who runs a business other than noodles in her life, was supposed to participate in the torch relay of the Tokyo Olympics, but this was not possible due to the global epidemic of corona.

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Japan is known as the country with the longest living population, with the world’s oldest population. More than a quarter of the country’s population is 65 or older.

The secret of longevity of the people here is considered to be pure and simple food, taking care of health and keeping busy at work.

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A nun from France has been named the world’s longest-living woman after the death of Ken Tanaka.
Lucille has come to Randon, who is 118 years old.

Jean-Louis Calment, the world’s oldest living woman, also died in France in 1997 at the age of 122 years and 164 days.

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