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The Turkish President once again raised the issue of Kashmir in the United Nations

The Turkish President once again raised the issue of Kashmir in the United Nations

New York: Turkish President Erdoğan once again raised the issue of Kashmir in the United Nations General Assembly and said that he hopes for a fair solution to the issue of Kashmir.

According to the details, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, while addressing the United Nations General Assembly, once again raised the issue of Kashmir.

Addressing the General Assembly, Erdogan said that even after the establishment of their independence and independence 75 years ago, India and Pakistan could not maintain peace and unity between each other, it is very unfortunate.

The Turkish President said that we hope and pray for a just solution to the Kashmir issue and permanent peace and prosperity.

It should be remembered that in recent years, Erdogan has referred to the Kashmir problem several times in the high-level meetings of the United Nations General Assembly.

This has led to strain in India-Turkey relations, with India strongly objecting to Erdogan’s statements in the past, calling them completely unacceptable.

India has been saying that Turkey should learn to respect the sovereignty of other countries, which is why Prime Minister Narendra Modi has so far avoided traveling to Turkey.

It should be remembered that Turkish President Erdogan met Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

During the meeting in Samarkand, they reviewed bilateral relations and discussed ways to deepen cooperation in various fields.

The sudden meeting of the two leaders on the sidelines of the SCO summit also shocked the whole world. But just a few days after the meeting, Erdogan’s rhetoric on Kashmir could further escalate tensions between the two countries.

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