The surreal relief of Atlético for Oblak: a confessed Real Madrid player

From the mattress environment there would already be a chosen one to keep the position of the Slovenian

Atlético de Madrid is already preparing for the following season as far as transfers are concerned and one of the first movements that it must make is with respect to Jan Oblak. And it is that the international from Slovenia has been injured again, so it is expected that he will be absent for several weeks.

Let’s remember that Oblak is one of the pillars of Simeone’s project at Atlético de Madrid and who with his role as leader commands the squad. His loss will be quite sensitive, so Andrea Berta is already working on finding a top-level replacement. One of the great possibilities causes controversy because of how surreal it can be.

Atletico Oblak
The Slovenian has been injured and the colchoneros are looking for a substitute

A new injury to Jan Oblak forces Atlético to look for a luxury replacement

In this way, it has been possible to confirm that there is a goalkeeper who would be in the sports management folder, but who cannot be liked by the fans. He is a confessed Madridista, who always carries Real Madrid in his heart. We are talking about Keylor Navaswho could land in the Metropolitan Civitas.

Navas is on loan at Nottingham Forest from PSG, but this loan ends on June 30. He will inevitably have to return to Paris, although he will be released immediately there, so he is a great possibility for several teams. The mattresses are among those interested.

Keylor Navas enters the orbit of the rojiblancos for the goal of the following season

In that order of ideas, Keylor is expected to replace Jan Oblak at Atletico Madrid. He will be able to arrive for a fairly low value, also being a goalkeeper with guarantees and experience. Of course, what makes the fans think the most is his past as a white player.

We will have to wait then for what can happen with this movement. At the moment, it is one of the options that could reach the club and that Andrea Berta continues to keep in mind. Even when Jan Oblak returns, he can be a luxury substitute for the Slovenian.

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